Monday, November 25, 2019

The Republican Main Street Partnership essays

The Republican Main Street Partnership essays In today's political world, the reality of passing legislation and bills in the United States Congress is based on relationships. These relationships can be among members of a political party, members of organizations, or even between lobbyists and congressmen. Although every vote counts, it is often a collection of votes and coalitions among the Congressmen that ultimately allow the passage of legislation on any issue. To facilitate this and have bills favorably pass, the members of Congress typically form smaller groups in which to lobby their collective views to the rest of the voting body. One such party is the Republican Main Street Partnership. The Republican Main Street Partnership is one of the best organizations to join, based on political influence and power, to have an effective passage of legislation. Therefore, based on the power, influence, and structure the Republican Main Street Partnership can provide, any Representative would benefit by becoming a member of the orga nization. First, the Republican Main Street Partnership must be examined as a whole to determine where the strengths of the organization lie. Founded in 1998, the Republican Main Street Partnership's main goal was to promote and foster responsible leadership within the Republican Party and give a voice to those considered in the center of the Republican Party ( html). This voice is given by having the party pursue "public policies that reflect a limited, but responsible role for government and that are designed to achieve fiscal responsibility, economic growth, improvements in the human condition and a nation that is globally competitive and secure" ( html.). Membership includes "individuals who are interested in moderate Republican policies, focusing on governance and on finding common sense solutions to national problems" ( ...

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